> 文章列表 > 春节手抄报写什么英语





春节(The Spring Festival)是中国人最重要的节日之一。据中国农历计算,春节是每年的正月初一。这个节日标志着农历新年的开始,也代表着新的开始和希望。春节是中国文化中最为传统和庄重的节日之一。


  • 1. Spring Couplets(春联)
  • 春联是春节中最常见的装饰品之一。它由两句对联组成,通常用红色的纸张写成。春联寓意着新年的祝福和希望,人们会在大门上贴上春联以迎接新年的到来。另外,还可以讲述一些关于春联的有趣故事,如为什么要用红色、为什么用对联等。

  • 2. Lantern Festival(元宵节)
  • 春节的最后一天是元宵节,也被称为“小年”。这一天,人们会点亮彩灯,放烟花,举行游行和灯谜活动。可以介绍元宵节的来源、庆祝活动以及一些与灯谜相关的趣闻,让读者了解中国人民对新年的独特庆祝方式。

  • 3. Dragon and Lion Dance(舞龙舞狮)
  • 舞龙舞狮是春节期间最具代表性的舞蹈表演之一。人们用巨大的龙和狮子装饰,模仿它们的动作和姿态,以驱逐邪灵、迎接新年的到来。可以介绍舞龙舞狮的历史背景、表演技巧和意义,并配以精美的插图,让读者对这一表演形式有更深入的了解。



I like the Chinese New Year better than any other festival. This is a time especially for rest and joy. I can still remember the smell of the festival\'s atmosphere. Maybe you can feel the smell from this bronze spell burner, which is used to hold incense. The moment it was ignited, the pleasant odor of Chinese incense diffused, which represented good luck and fortune. The fragrance has become a symbol of the festival. The Chinese New Year is very different from any other festival. It is very cheerful and lively. I love the Chinese New Year!

关于春节英语手抄报给我些Chinese Festival的手抄报英语资料

Chinese Festivals are an important part of Chinese culture and heritage. They represent the rich traditions and customs of the Chinese people. Here are some interesting English handout materials about Chinese festivals:

  • 1. Spring Festival (春节) - The most important festival in China, celebrating the Lunar New Year.
  • 2. Lantern Festival (元宵节) - Celebrated on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, with lantern displays and riddle competitions.
  • 3. Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) - Known for the exciting dragon boat races and eating sticky rice dumplings.
  • 4. Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节) - Celebrated with mooncakes, family reunions, and appreciation of the full moon.
  • 5. Double Ninth Festival (重阳节) - A day to pay respect to the elderly and enjoy chrysanthemum flowers.

These festivals are not only unique to China, but also reflect the profound history and cultural heritage of the Chinese people. They are filled with joy, symbolism, and traditions that have been passed down through generations. They are definitely worth exploring and celebrating!



  • 1. 红包(Red Envelopes) - 红包是春节期间最受孩子们欢迎的传统习俗之一。父母、长辈会在红包里放入压岁钱,以表达对孩子们的祝福和关爱。
  • 2. 舞狮(Lion Dance) - 舞狮是春节期间最具代表性的表演之一。人们用巨大的狮子装饰,模仿狮子的动作和姿态,以驱逐邪灵,迎接新年的到来。
  • 3. 烟花(Fireworks) - 烟花也是春节庆祝活动不可或缺的一部分。人们在除夕夜放烟花,旨在驱散霉运,带来好运和祝福。



I like The Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. This festival usually starts from the first day of the lunar calendar and lasts for fifteen days, until the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people will visit their families and exchange greetings of good luck and fortune. They will also enjoy delicious traditional food, such as dumplings and rice cakes. Red decorations can be seen everywhere, symbolizing good luck and prosperity. Fireworks are set off to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year. The Spring Festival is a time for joy, celebration, and reunion. It is a time to appreciate the past year\'s achievements and look forward to a prosperous new year.


The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China. It is based on the lunar calendar, starting from the first day of the first month and ending with the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day. The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion and celebration. People will clean their homes to sweep away bad luck and decorate them with red lanterns and couplets to bring in good luck. They will also prepare special food, such as dumplings and fish, to symbolize prosperity and abundance. Fireworks and lion dances are common activities during the festival. The Spring Festival is a time to honor ancestors, pay respects to elders, and exchange blessings of health and wealth. It is a joyful and lively time for the Chinese people to come together and celebrate.


This is an English handout about the Chinese lunar new year - the Spring Festival. The handout includes three aspects of the festival\'s customs:

  • 1. Pasting Spring Couplets (贴春联) - Spring couplets are one of the most common decorations during the Spring Festival. They consist of two poetic lines written on red paper. Spring couplets symbolize blessings and good wishes for the new year. People paste them on their front doors to welcome the new year.
  • 2. Making Dumplings (包饺子) - Dumplings are a traditional food during the Spring Festival. Families will gather together to make dumplings, which symbolize wealth and prosperity. It is believed that the more dumplings one eats during the festival, the more wealth they will have in the coming year.
  • 3. Lighting Firecrackers (放鞭炮) - Firecrackers are an essential part of the Spring Festival. People believe that the loud noise of firecrackers can scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. It is customary to set off firecrackers at midnight on New Year\'s Eve to welcome the new year.

These customs are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and are cherished by generations of Chinese people. They reflect the joy, symbolism, and traditions of the Spring Festival.


Spring Festival (春节) - The Spring Festival is coming soon! The festival is considered the most important traditional festival in China. The Spring Festival represents a new beginning and is a time for reunion and celebration. People will clean their homes, decorate them with red lanterns and couplets, and prepare special food. They will visit their families and exchange blessings of good luck. Fireworks are set off to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year. The Spring Festival is a time to cherish family and friends and to embrace the upcoming year with hope and happiness. 春节快乐!


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. 春节是中国最重要的节日。 It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s new year. 它是为了庆祝农历新年的到来。 During the festival, people will get together with their families, eat delicious food, and exchange blessings. 在节日期间,人们会与家人团聚,享用美食,并互相传递祝福。 They will also set off fireworks and watch traditional lion dances. 他们还会放烟花,观看传统的舞狮表演。 It’s a time for joy, celebration, and new beginnings. 这是一个充满喜悦、庆祝和新开始的时刻。