> 文章列表 > 农村人如何过春节英文





1.马上就要过春节了 The Spring Festival is coming soon 2.我很期待春节和春节晚会 I look forward to the Spring Festival and the Spring Festival Gala


How do you celebrate New Year in your country?


In different countries, there are different customs to celebrate the New Year. In China, the New Year is called the Spring Festival, which is a grand festival celebrated by people nationwide. The Spring Festival usually involves a series of celebrations, including putting up Spring Festival couplets, paper-cutting, getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, and thorough cleaning. Moreover, people also pay New Year\'s visits to their elders, exchange red envelopes, and enjoy a festive New Year\'s Eve dinner together. Most importantly, on New Year\'s Eve, people set off fireworks and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and welcome the arrival of the new year. Celebrating the New Year means reunion, auspiciousness, and happiness for Chinese people.


  • 中国春节是全国性的最重要的节日之一。
  • 中国春节的庆祝活动有许多传统习俗。
  • 人们在除夕夜放烟花爆竹来庆祝新年的到来。
  • 中国人给长辈拜年并互赠红包。


People in China celebrate the Spring Festival by getting together with their families, having fireworks, giving red envelopes to children, and eating dumplings. The Spring Festival is a time for family reunion and joyous celebrations.


  • 春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。
  • 人们庆祝春节的方式包括团聚、放烟花、给孩子们红包和吃饺子。
  • 春节是一个家庭团圆和喜庆庆祝的时刻。

用英语介绍下中国的春节1.Whenisit?2.Wh... _作业帮

The New Year season in China lasts for fifteen days. The first week, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important and most often celebrated period. During this time, people engage in various activities, such as visiting relatives, exchanging gifts, and enjoying festive meals. Traditional customs like setting off fireworks, watching lion dances, and giving red envelopes are also observed. The Spring Festival is a time for celebrations, blessings, and well-wishes.


  • 中国的新年庆祝活动的持续时间是十五天。
  • 春节是新年庆祝活动中最重要且经常被庆祝的阶段。
  • 人们在春节期间进行各种活动,如拜访亲戚、交换礼物和享用节日餐。
  • 人们会观看烟花、舞狮以及赠送红包等传统习俗。


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. The first day of the festival is New Year\'s Day. During the Spring Festival, we do many things to celebrate. We put up red decorations and couplets on the doors and windows. We have a big family dinner and everyone wears new clothes. Children receive red envelopes with money as a gift. We also set off fireworks at night to celebrate the coming of the new year. We have a lot of fun during the Spring Festival!


  • 春节是中国最重要的节日。
  • 人们会在门窗上贴上红色装饰品和对联。
  • 人们会举行盛大的家庭晚宴,并穿新衣。
  • 孩子们会收到红包作为礼物。
  • 晚上我们会燃放烟花以庆祝新年的到来。


How do you spend your Spring Festival? The Spring Festival, which happens once a year, is a special time for family and traditions. During our traditional Spring Festival, my family and I do many things to celebrate. We clean the house and decorate it with red ornaments. We gather with our relatives and have a big reunion dinner. We exchange gifts and red envelopes. We also watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. It is a joyful and festive time for us!


  • 春节是一年一度的特殊时刻,是家庭和传统的重要时间。
  • 家人会参与许多庆祝活动,如打扫房子、装饰房间、举行家庭团聚晚餐等。
  • 人们会互相赠送礼物和红包。
  • 人们会在电视上观看春节联欢晚会。


My Spring Festival This year I had a happy Spring Festival with my family. On New Year\'s Eve, all the family members gathered together and had a big dinner. We set off fireworks outside to welcome the new year. The next morning, we visited our relatives and gave them New Year\'s greetings. I received red envelopes from my grandparents and had a lot of delicious food. During the Spring Festival, I also watched lion dances and lantern shows. It was a joyful and unforgettable time!


  • 在春节期间,家人会欢聚一堂,并享用盛大的家庭晚餐。
  • 人们会放烟花以庆祝新年的到来。
  • 在新年的第一天,人们会拜访亲戚并致以新年的问候。
  • 孩子们会收到祖父母给的红包,并享用各种美食。
  • 人们还会观看舞狮和灯笼表演等节目。


Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China, and people celebrate it in many ways. During the Spring Festival, families come together for a reunion, and there are plenty of activities. People decorate their houses, light fireworks, and give red envelopes to children. They also enjoy a variety of delicious food, such as dumplings, fish, and rice cake. Traditional customs like setting off firecrackers, giving New Year\'s greetings, and watching lion dances are also popular. The Spring Festival is a time for joy, blessings, and cultural traditions.


  • 春节是中国的传统节日,人们以多种方式庆祝。
  • 人们会装饰房屋、放烟花并给孩子们红包。
  • 人们会享用各种美食,如饺子、鱼和年糕。
  • 人们还会进行一系列的庆祝活动,如放鞭炮、拜年和观看舞狮表演。
  • 春节是一个快乐、祝福和文化传统的时刻。


关于怎样过春节的英语作文 春节来了!春节是我们全民的节日.是新年的第一天! The Spring Festival is coming soon! The festival is considered as the beginning of the new year for us. During the Spring Festival, my family and I have planned a lot of activities to celebrate this traditional holiday. We will decorate our house with red couplets and paper-cuttings to bring good luck and happiness. We will have a big family dinner and enjoy delicious food together. We will also set off fireworks at midnight to ward off evil spirits. In addition, we will visit our relatives and friends to exchange New Year\'s greetings and give blessings. It will be a joyful and memorable time for us!


  • 春节是全国性的节日,标志着新年的开始。
  • 人们会用红色的对联和剪纸来装饰房子以带来好运和幸福。
  • 家人会举行盛大的家庭晚餐并一起享用美食。
  • 人们会在午夜放烟花以驱逐邪气。
  • 人们还会拜访亲戚朋友,互道新年的祝福。


The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It\'s similar to your Christmas in the United States. During the Spring Festival, my family and I have a lot of traditions and activities to celebrate. First, we clean our house thoroughly and decorate it with red ornaments. Red is a lucky color in our culture. Then, we have a big family reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. We eat delicious food, such as dumplings and fish. On New Year\'s Day, we visit our relatives and friends, give them red envelopes with money inside as a sign of good fortune, and exchange New Year\'s blessings. We also watch traditional performances, like lion dances and dragon dances. It\'s a festive and joyful time for us!


  • 春节是中国最重要的节日,类似于美国的圣诞节。
  • 人们会大扫除并装饰房子,红色是我们文化中的吉祥色。
  • 家人会举行盛大的家庭团聚晚餐,并享用各种美食。
  • 人们会拜访亲戚朋友,赠送红包以及互道新年的祝福。
  • 人们还会观看舞狮和舞龙等传统表演。